
myurr t1_ixy17ih wrote

Bigoted: Obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Seems pretty accurate for the situation. Are you sure you know what it means? Being a bigot is unrelated to racism, even if the two sometimes go hand in hand.

You know nothing of my personal circumstances. I could easily buy a Tesla should I want, and test drove one when choosing my current car but opted to spend more on a different brand.

I even point out some of the many reasons to criticise Tesla in my previous post, as well as patiently explaining why this it's counter productive to criticise them in this specific instance. Yet you choose personal insults in reply whilst completely misrepresenting what I said...


myurr t1_ixwvf5m wrote

Or hoards of bigoted idiots twisting anything they can to have a go at them just because their CEO is a bit of a twat.

By all means point out all that Tesla is doing wrong and I'll happily agree. Their quality control is abysmal for a company with a production line as mature as theirs should be by now, their autopilot is a joke, etc. But attacking them for a basic recall that all manufacturers do is asinine and counter productive in that it creates ill informed noise clouding the real issues that they should be held accountable for.


myurr t1_ixwrptk wrote

Hate to break it to you but nearly every car has a safety recall at some point in its life. In the last ten years I've owned 3 BMWs that all had recalls of one sort or another (only one was immediate, the others addressed at the next service). I've also had two Mercedes, one of which had a recall.

15k cars being recalled for a software update is also nothing compared to some of the largest recalls from other suppliers.