
nastratin OP t1_jdj2tla wrote

>My fellow IPCC authors and I have spent years combing through the evidence, and have found that there are things we can do right now across all areas of life—including the basic choices you and I make every day—that can cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than half by 2030.

>That’s the short-term target required to keep us on track to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius—the global target outlined in the Paris Agreement—which science has a identified as a key threshold to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

>Many of these solutions will result in cleaner air and more jobs, but can also save money for governments, businesses and consumers.


nastratin OP t1_jdctpnk wrote

In California, every driver involved in the testing of autonomous technology has to be registered. Every vehicle involved in testing has to be registered as well with the DMV and has to have a special permit to drive on public roads.

Thanks to those regulations, we now know that Apple’s autonomous driving dream has reached impressive size. The company increased the number of test drivers to 201 while its fleet of test vehicles remains at 67.

It is clear that over the years Project Titan evolved into three separate programs. While the autonomous car has been on and off the drawing board many times over, autonomous driving technology took its own course. Apple can easily leverage its expertise in hardware and software to develop advanced self-driving tech and it aims to achieve it before its rivals.


nastratin t1_jd90q6f wrote

>Women were twice as likely to say they were concerned about their safety at public charging stations. Unlike gas stations, charging stations do not have employees on site and tend to be more out of the way — often they are situated in the back of parking lots. And in comparison to the five minutes it takes to fill up a car with gas, electric cars require at least 30 minutes to recharge.


nastratin OP t1_ja7f6ap wrote

The Environmental Protection Agency recently gave a Chevron refinery the green light to create fuel from discarded plastics as part of a “climate-friendly” initiative to boost alternatives to petroleum. But, according to agency records obtained by ProPublica and The Guardian, the production of one of the fuels could emit air pollution that is so toxic, 1 out of 4 people exposed to it over a lifetime could get cancer.

>That kind of risk is obscene,

said Linda Birnbaum, former head of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

>You can’t let that get out.

That risk is 250,000 times greater than the level usually considered acceptable by the EPA division that approves new chemicals. Chevron hasn’t started making this jet fuel yet, the EPA said. When the company does, the cancer burden will disproportionately fall on people who have low incomes and are Black because of the population that lives within 3 miles of the refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi.


nastratin OP t1_j8mogd3 wrote

It is surprisingly difficult to build a carbon neutral sailing ship. This is even more the case today, because our standards for safety, health, hygiene, comfort, and convenience have changed profoundly since the Age of Sail

The sailing ship is a textbook example of sustainability. For at least 4,000 years, sailing ships have transported passengers and cargo across the world’s seas and oceans without using a single drop of fossil fuels.

If we want to keep travelling and trading globally in a low carbon society, sailing ships are the obvious alternative to container ships, bulk carriers, and airplanes.


nastratin OP t1_j7vxqr6 wrote

According to a report, the cost of charging EVs has soared in recent months, mainly driven by rising energy prices.

This has resulted in fast-charging EVs possibly becoming more expensive than filling petrol. As per a new analysis by AA, rapid charging points used by motorists on long drives are now nearly £10 more expensive than filling up petrol.

The research showed that even slow charging an EV at a public charging station at peak times could be more expensive than refuelling a similar petrol car.

AA's head Jack Cousens stated that while pump prices are falling, the cost of electricity is on the rise. Although, he is hopeful that these rising prices could tail off sometime later this year.

Analysts compared the running cost of a 1.2-litre petrol Vauxhall Corsa with its electric-powered alternate, the e-Corsa. The e-Corsa was topped up using an 80-pence slow charger during peak times, resulting in a 16.18 pc cost per mile.

The running cost of its 1.2-litre petrol counterpart came up to 14.45 pence per mile, meaning the traditional ICE model is cheaper to run per mile than the new EV version.


nastratin OP t1_j7jj91r wrote

In the lab at least, its materials are stable for over 1,000 cycles

Current lithium-based batteries are based on intercalation—lithium ions squeeze into spaces within electrode materials such as graphite. As a result, most of the battery's volume and bulk is dedicated to things that don't contribute to carrying charges between the electrodes, which sets a limit on the sorts of energy densities that these technologies can reach.

As a result, a lot of research has gone into finding ways of getting rid of one these electrode materials. People have tried pairing lithium-metal electrodes with various materials, while other efforts have tried using electrodes where lithium reacts with air to form lithium-oxygen compounds. While these worked by some measures, they tended to have problems that drastically shortened their useful lifetimes.

But a recent paper describes a battery that uses lithium metal at one electrode and lithium air for the second. By some measures, the battery has decent performance out to over 1,000 charge/discharge cycles.


nastratin OP t1_j4503de wrote

The immediate goal is to create vaccines that destroy cancer cells—but some scientists are also testing vaccines that might prevent someone from developing cancer

Typically, vaccines help protect us against diseases. But cancer vaccines are different; they are potential therapies for treating people who already have cancer. These treatments have been years in the making, and failures have been frequent, but they’re now starting to show some promise.

In the last decade, technological innovations like genome sequencing have allowed scientists to take a closer look at tumor cells and their genetic abnormalities. This is helping them design vaccines aimed at much more specific targets. At the same time, we’ve been learning a lot more about the immune system and how it recognizes and destroys a patient’s tumor, says cellular immunologist Stephen Schoenberger at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in San Diego.

Cancer vaccine research is still in the nascent stages, says Nina Bhardwaj, a hematology and medical oncology expert at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. But early results from clinical trials testing dozens of vaccine candidates against a variety of cancers look encouraging, she says.


nastratin OP t1_j21pjtp wrote

Long before it reached your home, even before its tiny components were pieced together in an assembly plant, your phone was already one of the most complex gadgets in the world. It is the product of a delicate supply chain whose every link is forged by competing business and political interests.

That chain is starting to rattle and even break, as the global tech industry works to become less dependent on China. Earlier this month, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) held an event celebrating the expansion of its first major facility in the United States, a semiconductor plant in Phoenix, Arizona.

When the facility starts operating in early 2024, it will use the world’s most precise manufacturing tools to etch billions of microscopic circuits onto the silicon chips that provide all of the world’s computing power.