nastynateraide t1_jdsamxa wrote
Reply to A 4 door corvette by QuantityExpert4349
Abomination, science has gone too far
nastynateraide t1_jcwr9mp wrote
Reply to comment by asbestospajamas in Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy by fleepglerblebloop
Or just a pile of money
nastynateraide t1_jcvmlg3 wrote
Reply to comment by Kooky-Background-962 in Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy by fleepglerblebloop
Premium Plus is only available through Amazon employees who have proven their loyalty
nastynateraide t1_jcu2edi wrote
Reply to comment by cornernope in Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy by fleepglerblebloop
Listen, they've primed us for years with movies. Who's getting those post-apocalyptic fantasies financed? And why are so many of them resonating for me?
I love plots where a small group can beat a powerful oppressor. An evil corporation exploiting precious resources. Lords taking food from starving peasants. Laws passed to hurt and chain criminals and minorities; another resource. To monetize suffering. To withhold basic needs of life. Who owns the land? Who owns imagination? Stories? Who owns words and songs and shelter and safety and health?
We pay to exist. Our natural habitat is gone. We pay to exist in our unnatural environment.
Is there an anxiety driven sub? Every silver lining seems to come with a giant dark cloud.
nastynateraide t1_jctphxe wrote
Reply to Newly discovered enzyme that turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy by fleepglerblebloop
Great, now Nestlé is gonna buy all the air, and now I'm paying my air bill or I don't get to breathe or have power.
nastynateraide t1_jbmtdrx wrote
Reply to comment by Sgt_Peppers_L_H_C_B in PsBattle: bending traffic cone by Scaulbylausis
You're joking! You're joking!
nastynateraide t1_jb90d2w wrote
Reply to comment by ManicTypist in PsBattle: Jerry Seinfeld driving his 1970 Targa Florio-winning Porsche 908/03. by stash3630
You can tell by the pixels
nastynateraide t1_j3hfgb3 wrote
Reply to [image] by _Cautious_Memory
Now let's add some tables and chairs because you just bought yourself a match with the Undertaker, playa
nastynateraide t1_iwg7un2 wrote
Reply to comment by ExxInferis in How an engine works. by ooMEAToo
You uh, single?
nastynateraide t1_jdtj6a0 wrote
Reply to Maybe he’s born with it, maybe it’s my Dad in 1983. by StreetTacoNamdDesire
I would ride his back like Falkor, laughing with innocent glee. Not sexually. I'm not trying to take anyone's hot dad away. I want us to be friends.