
naut t1_j1c38kw wrote

There was a project I saw in Alaska I believe that used low temp geothermal to drive a centrifugal compressor backwards to generate electricity. It was for a lodge that used a ton of fuel oil in the winter to heat and make electricity that now used lower temp underground heat. I found it again here


naut t1_ixktn47 wrote

My grandparents had a house in Bergen county. Well they had a small problem with a neighbor when they had company over. The neighbors' driveway was on the side street and people often parked in my grandparents' driveway. On one occasion this happened and my father sort of stormed over to talk to the neighbor and their guest to give them a piece of his mind and he stopped in his tracks when he saw that it was Frank, their neighbor was friends with Frank Sinatra and dad kinda was stopped in his tracks. I wish he was still around so I could hear more about the story, always wondered what they talked about lol