
navinaviox t1_jad29do wrote

I would argue that you are wrong In just about every capacity with regards to your second statement.

Given what everyone (especially Russia) expected to happen as a result of Russia invading: Ukraine falls and a puppet government put in place within 3 days/a couple weeks….any result that is not that shows success if not outright victory for the Ukrainians

Ukraine has lost some territory and some 100,000 have been killed or wounded (I’ll go find source if you like but it’s generally accepted that ukraine has lost less people and have been far better about saving casualties)

Ukraine has gained: billions of dollars in military hardware and humanitarian supplies More global attention than they’ve ever received Good will of all western nations Green light to become a most favorable nation if not a member of treaties such as NATO A fully transitioned wartime economy: pros and cons since they’re also suffering from attacks on civilian infrastructure Increased Access to western intelligence communities which will likely stay strong for many years