
needtoredit t1_j9wc1wp wrote

I love NJ and lived here most all of my life. Had you actually read the post you would understand why, I pointed out how great this state is. I posted this in the NJ forum knowing the reaction I would get and yup, so far it's just what I expected. Most people are so stuck on what ever team they are on for EVERY ISSUE that they can't hear anything over the inane chatter of their own opinion. Perfect example, how many times have you heard someone get all crazy about what phone they have. They pay $1,000+ for some product and then defend it like they invented it. In reality they are just the consumer who paid for product and need to justify why their decision in the best.


needtoredit t1_j9w91xr wrote

Not a heartfelt appeal at all just like his common sense approach to a few issues I have heard him speak on.

Yeah if you look it my posts on reddit considering they are mostly in only 3-4 forums no doubt you might think that way. Socially Liberal, Financially conservative, be kind and live free.


needtoredit t1_j0sbwuy wrote

Tomorrow in NJ the state senate will vote and most likely pass a law that not only goes against the constitution it also goes against a current ruling by the supreme court. This is New Jersey! As State Assemblyman Joe Danielsen was recorded saying "There is no Democracy in the Huddle" About the Bill Danielsen also said "This does nothing to stop the illegal possessions or criminal content, your right. This doesn't. It was never supposed to address that. This is addressing the legal law-abiding responsible citizen. That's what it's designed to do."

New Jersey just like Washington is all about the insiders and if you aren't one of them or on their team you are an outsider. All of us can fight over Right vs Left while they pull the rug out from under us while we argue.
