
negative33andathird t1_jb314n6 wrote

I've been trying to get answers since before the pandemic. AT&T won't comment. City officials don't seem too concerned. I'm tired of Cox and their monopoly on broadband in my neighborhood. Yes, AT&T does offer DSL as an alternative, but it's capped at 25Mbps. That's not going to cut it when we've got a full-time WFH person in the house and two online students. Cox is the only choice right now for me.


negative33andathird t1_irg8yyf wrote

I'm on Elbur right off Clifton. The fastest AT&T service available for me is 24Mbps. I keep checking every 4-6 months and there's no change.

How is it possible that the most densely populated city between NY and Chicago does not have fiber throughout the entire city?

I've e-mailed and Tweeted at our local government officials, hoping they had more information, but I've heard nothing in response.