
neuracnu t1_j2tntf6 wrote

“…one suspect told authorities they did it so they could break into a business and steal money, U.S. authorities said Tuesday.”

I’m all for using the correct names for things. If this was truly the intent, I think the crime is Criminal Sabotage.

That said, intent is often difficult to definitively prove.

Jan 19 2023 update: So it sounds like these two had been under surveillance by the FBI by domestic terrorism specialists in 2021-2022. That changes things.


neuracnu t1_iu6cbja wrote

The definition of a "regular" power outlet can vary (how many amps are on the circuit, is it dedicated to car charging or is there other hot stuff on it as well, etc).

Also, a lot depends on the size of the car and the amount of travel you expect to do on a given day. If charging overnight on a 20 amp circuit gives you 50 miles of driving (and your commute is less than 25 miles each way), then the "regular" charger may be all that you need.

Technology Connections made a wonderful, long-form video about this exact thing: