
neverinamillionyr t1_jdsb181 wrote

I had the Genius Bar decline a warranty repair because I carried the phone in my front pocket and guys are damp there. Yes, warranty declined because of sweaty balls.

Moisture indicators were triggered, likely because I have it in the bathroom when I shower but that’s what the genius told me when I argues it had never been wet.


neverinamillionyr t1_jc6hqsy wrote

I was in a hotel. It was a 2 week trip so when I got to the room, I emptied my shaving kit into drawers in the bathroom. The next morning I woke up a bit hung over and went went to brush my teeth. The “toothpaste “ tasted terrible. I looked and apparently someone before me left some yeast infection cream in the drawer. All the rinsing and mouthwash in the world couldn’t get rid of the taste.


neverinamillionyr t1_is4ehnl wrote

The last time I flew with Spirit (first and last time) they had a rule if you weren’t checked in an hour before the flight you missed the flight and had to buy a new ticket. Make sure you are aware of that rule and give yourself plenty of time.