nickstatus t1_j1dsh34 wrote
Reply to comment by DontTreadOnBigfoot in Blu-ray player gathering dust? Turn it into a laser-scanning microscope | Not as powerful as a commerical one, but thousands cheaper. by chrisdh79
Turn it into a dab rig!
nickstatus t1_iwwvex8 wrote
Reply to comment by PhelesDragon in Meta has withdrawn its Galactica AI, only 3 days after its release, following intense criticism. Meta’s misstep—and its hubris—show once again that Big Tech has a blind spot about the severe limitations of large language models in AI. by lughnasadh
Eh, without first developing language and reason, there is no intuition. That comes with experience. Which is the human equivalent of training data. No human knowledge is a priori. People like to shit on philosophers, but they've been working on this one for centuries.
nickstatus t1_iwuxr6f wrote
Reply to comment by Feed_Your_Dogs_Raw in Rats bop to the beat of music by Mozart, Lady Gaga, Queen; bopping was previously thought to be an ability innately unique to humans by marketrent
Guilty feet ain't got no rhythm, eh?
nickstatus t1_iws1iup wrote
Reply to comment by Surgical_Precisizmn in Rats bop to the beat of music by Mozart, Lady Gaga, Queen; bopping was previously thought to be an ability innately unique to humans by marketrent
Cockatoos in particular get enthusiastic about music
nickstatus t1_ivfz3yc wrote
Reply to comment by ScuddsMcDudds in Honda Electric Moped Coming - Step-through electric likely to be announced this year. by speckz
In the past I've had a gas moped, I currently have an electric moped, and on both those pedals are essentially useless. You're not going anywhere with those pedals. I think they are included as a sort of legal fig leaf. Also, they're not light, at all. My electric moped weighs 120 lbs.
nickstatus t1_iugemup wrote
Reply to “Lost”, me, oil paint, 2022 by PsychologicalPay3478
Sort of reminds me of Jenny Saville.
nickstatus t1_jbvwls7 wrote
Reply to comment by jimbojonesforyou in Plastic pollution in oceans has reached 'unprecedented' levels in 15 years by ethereal3xp
It's unprecedents, all the way down.