
nicolasknight t1_je1u2c2 wrote

Those are two separate things so we can handle them separately:

NaCl in the galaxy as a molecule.

Nope, by mass and density it's actually going to be pretty far down.

There's a table of the elements by how frequently they get created by stars and you'll find that while their not uncommon they are pretty far down and pretty far apart.

So finding both together is even lower than that.

Now the second question:

Water being salt water.

That one is a bit more tricky to detail but in short:

Salt is really really easy to dissolve. In water.

What that means is that any body with liquid water in it that also contains masses of salt will dissolve on in the other unless luck keeps them separate.

And once it's in it's very very unlikely that chance will separate them again.


nicolasknight t1_j1v2sie wrote

I am assuming you mean for an individual not for humanity as a whole.

That's actually a really tough question and is going to be different for each person depending on their ancestry and how often they moved and/or married (Being polite) people from vastly different populations.
based on migration patterns and this I would say you are probably looking at an increase, statistically, every time there was a big colonization push and/or a new travel method became popular enough jack and Jill Average could use it to go somewhere and live for a while.

So based on this I would say 17th Century going forward with a hard stop in 1914.


nicolasknight t1_ixzvuw7 wrote

Not the size but the size and at a certain distance.

The planets are formed when the accretion disk that forms around a star starts the come together.

It's mostly random how it starts but anything 2m from the corona for example will immediately get torn apart both by coronal mass emissions and by gravity.

This pushes out all the smaller planets further out.

Once you get past that point you get to where they will get sand blasted by emissions but not torn apart by gravity.

You can't have gas giants at those distances because their atmospheres will get blasted off.

Smaller planets will form but still lose mass if the sun is big enough.

Once you get far enough from that the size of the planets becomes truly random.

We think with current science that if you don't get gas giants on the outer perimeter you may not get a ton of smaller planets on the inner perimeter because of comets etc... not being blocked but that's still highly theoretical.

A bigger sun would theoretically also attract more objects therefore either have commensurate gas giants which would have increased odds of becoming binary systems if they get big enough OR have smaller planets but only for short periods of time.


nicolasknight t1_iuiu5e8 wrote

I always start at the library.

It doesn't matter how much I KNOW I will buy any 1 book i will always try to get it there first and read it.

If I like it enough I'll just buy it too before i return it to the library but most times I'll finish it first.

I'm there already and it helps circulation for the library.