nim_opet t1_jdznta8 wrote
Reply to ELI5: if acidic stuff tastes sour to humans, what does alkaline stuff taste like? by BlueTNT123
Take a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, dissolve in a cup of water, taste. It tastes bland, somewhat bitter and mineraly. You have tasted it every time you thought a glass of water tastes “hard” or “flat”.
nim_opet t1_jdy4mjm wrote
Reply to comment by zillskillnillfrill in TIL that the EU forces soda makers to introduce tethered caps to make sure they are being recycled. by memeiel
They are no longer HDPE, they are PET like the bottle!
nim_opet t1_jdviznw wrote
Reply to MTA Doubles Down on Construction Costs by michaelmvm
nim_opet t1_jduw2eq wrote
Reply to Filled my glass with tap water that looks light blue after drinking a glass of red wine by missmimi1011
Your water is slightly alkaline as it turned the anthocyanins from wine blue. It’s ok, just means lots of dissolved minerals.
nim_opet t1_jdtn0l1 wrote
Reply to comment by Derekd88 in TIL the New York Times, in 1944, Introduced Readers to an Exciting New Food: Pizza by FatherWinter
nim_opet t1_jdic9bo wrote
Reply to [OC] In 2022, Mexico traded more with Texas than it did with all of Asia and 6x as much as it did with all of LatAm. by latinometrics
Makes sense, though it’s actually the US, no?
nim_opet t1_jcf7tn8 wrote
Isn’t it convenient that the congressman you bought is also your yacht broker? Just one phone number to add to your contacts, whether you need a boat or a tax cut! <follow me for more practical advice on corruption>
nim_opet t1_jauz0fe wrote
Argentina has >5x and Venezuela >3x the population of CH too
nim_opet t1_jadm0zm wrote
Reply to comment by George4Mayor86 in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever
I mean, the consultants are filling the need. They didn’t create it .
nim_opet t1_jaczdvi wrote
Reply to comment by Indrid_Cold23 in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever
nim_opet t1_jacq34a wrote
Reply to comment by Financial-Current289 in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever
Note I wrote about American society at large. New York is in America. I know reading is hard.
nim_opet t1_jacdqr3 wrote
Reply to comment by Karrick in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever
There was a time when America was proud of its city halls and its governments; about the same time it was building infrastructure. But then certain political party….
nim_opet t1_jac43at wrote
Reply to Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever
It’s actually not the consultants gone wild. It’s that society hates the public sector and makes it impossible to operate normally - instead of building expertise with civil servants people treat any sort of governance (and knowledge) with hostility.
nim_opet t1_jabged6 wrote
Reply to comment by Prinzka in ELI5: Why is skin considered an organ? by PapaMamaGoldilocks
“I don’t wear women’s clothes. I bought them. They are my clothes. I wear my clothes!”
nim_opet t1_ja9tl0x wrote
Reply to comment by Prinzka in ELI5: Why is skin considered an organ? by PapaMamaGoldilocks
Exclusively, you?
nim_opet t1_ja8p6eg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: Why is skin considered an organ? by PapaMamaGoldilocks
Me to, and I keep it on me at all times.
nim_opet t1_ja7mui8 wrote
Reply to comment by LordBrandon in TIL about Vesna Vulović, the Guinness world record holder for surviving the highest fall without a parachute: 10,160 m (33,330 ft; 6.31 mi) by Cannabisseur78
But she lived for 40+ years after and would appear on bunch of health and charity events, and was a pro-democracy activist. While she suffered from her disability, she did regain use of her legs and lived a decent life.
nim_opet t1_ja01io4 wrote
Reply to comment by Spacemanspalds in TIL about the only double barrel cannon in the world. When it was its first tested during the American Civil War, the chain snapped immediately and one ball tore into a nearby cabin, knocking down its chimney; the other spun off erratically and struck a nearby cow, killing it instantly. by ExpertPreference8481
There’s a monument in London to all the animals killed in wars.
nim_opet t1_j9xwfw7 wrote
Midwest is very unstable weather-wise because it’s wide open to both wet and hot air from the Caribbean and cold and dry air from the arctic. In the winter the jet stream drops down to lower altitude, and due to climate change there are signs that it’s actually weakening which allows for more frequent/deeper blobs of arctic air dropping far south; those fronts collide with warm air, push it up, drain it of moisture and once stabilized bring cold but sunny days.
nim_opet t1_j9v00xw wrote
Reply to ELI5: How does airport technology, still allow people to check in and pass through TSA if Im at the wrong Terminal. by Witty_Buddy7951
TSA’s task is to establish your identity. Not to direct you to the terminal you should be at.
nim_opet t1_j9tzh5p wrote
The same way that t would be harnessed with any thermal generator - you heat a medium (water etc) turn into steam and turn a generator. “Cold” in “cold fusion” means “not millions of degrees currently needed”, not “room temperature”.
nim_opet t1_j8vwpo5 wrote
Reply to Just moved to New York by Bird_Lawyer_20
😂 no one cares
nim_opet t1_j88fu0w wrote
Reply to [OC] Largest celebrity divorce settlements by giteam
At least show the vertical axis was shortened; otherwise you make 40bn about 10% more than $6.2
nim_opet t1_j83jzok wrote
Reply to comment by Hattix in TIL the Pacific island nation of Nauru has been so damaged by phosphate mining that in 1964 Australia offered to repopulate the entire nation to Curtis Island near the Australian Coast. Nauru refused the offer in order to maintain their sovereignty and not become part of Australia. by triviafrenzy
And it has the highest rate of diabetes in the world.
nim_opet t1_jdzy0i3 wrote
Reply to I painted a bar on the lower east side in watercolor by onewordpoet
Which bar in the LES? Also, cool painting!