
nim_opet t1_jacdqr3 wrote

Reply to comment by Karrick in Consultants Gone Wild by ToffeeFever

There was a time when America was proud of its city halls and its governments; about the same time it was building infrastructure. But then certain political party….


nim_opet t1_jac43at wrote

It’s actually not the consultants gone wild. It’s that society hates the public sector and makes it impossible to operate normally - instead of building expertise with civil servants people treat any sort of governance (and knowledge) with hostility.


nim_opet t1_j9xwfw7 wrote

Midwest is very unstable weather-wise because it’s wide open to both wet and hot air from the Caribbean and cold and dry air from the arctic. In the winter the jet stream drops down to lower altitude, and due to climate change there are signs that it’s actually weakening which allows for more frequent/deeper blobs of arctic air dropping far south; those fronts collide with warm air, push it up, drain it of moisture and once stabilized bring cold but sunny days.


nim_opet t1_j9tzh5p wrote

The same way that t would be harnessed with any thermal generator - you heat a medium (water etc) turn into steam and turn a generator. “Cold” in “cold fusion” means “not millions of degrees currently needed”, not “room temperature”.