
ninasymone44 t1_j9dpvz0 wrote

I actually took LITERAL measurements and contested the ticket in person and lost. I was really pissed about it because it was before the markings were put in and that abrupt drop in speed limit is ridiculous. You first want to contest the ticket online first. Then it takes a couple weeks for them to respond with a decision. Don’t admit to anything. Don’t submit payment with an explanation. Just straight up be like, this was my first time on this road and the signs dont make any sense. And the markings are bullshit too because if you’re inexperienced with the exit, you pass over them too quickly to realize you need to slow ALLLLLL the way down within like 2 seconds. Don’t get me started!


ninasymone44 t1_j9cbxet wrote

Welcome to DC! I’ve contested many tickets at that light. You should contest every ticket you receive in DC. Yes, we do have an issue with aggressive drivers but that doesn’t change the fact the whole city is one massive speed trap. The 50mph sign you saw is for the traffic on 295. You got off on the Kenilworth Ave exit which abruptly lowers the speed to 25 mph. Believe it or not, the markings that are there now are fairly new and were done after MANY community complaints. They might not let you off because of the markings, but I would still argue that they have a 50 mph sign still there meant to purposefully confuse you. Good luck!


ninasymone44 t1_j69jdi7 wrote

Here is an article with CM White saying he is against CC permits.

So you’re a non-white racist who thinks that Black people all carry guns. And somehow you really think not being white excludes you from being a racist POS.


ninasymone44 t1_j65ji13 wrote

You’re guessing that T White carries? Why exactly? Because he’s from SE? The racism emanating from this assumption is honestly astounding. I’ve never seen this man wear anything but a suit and tie everyday and you’re on here guessing he’s carrying a gun. I bet you voted for Obama twice too eh. Real good “concerned” citizen you are.


ninasymone44 t1_j1oq17t wrote

So perhaps it’s not totally “authentic” Lebanese but it is one of my favorite restaurants in DC and that’s Zaytiniyas. You’re always guaranteed a great experience and vibe. I didn’t see it mentioned, perhaps because it’s more Lebanese inspired.