
nixiebunny t1_j9hgfrx wrote

Rubber gaskets in plumbing joints don't need or want anything else. Only use plumber's putty when setting a drain in a sink etc., only use pipe thread tape on tapered pipe joints. Compression fittings are assembled dry. Plumbers guffaw when they see sealant used where it shouldn't be.


nixiebunny t1_j4x0leo wrote

If you think that's strange, you should visit the South Pole. The sun travels in a circle, at an angle of elevation that slowly changes over the weeks and months. And the architects of the base have imposed a NSEW Cartesian grid over the area to make navigation and planning easier.


nixiebunny t1_j2pjrn6 wrote

I work on radio telescopes. They typically have a large diameter roller bearing to support the yoke. The azimuth drive is completely independent of this bearing. Some use a friction roller, others a ring gear with two motors with pinions, one has a direct drive motor built into the housing (not recommended).


nixiebunny t1_iqrjv82 wrote

There's a lot of nothing in space, so not much scattering happens until the light reaches the Earth's atmosphere. The images we get from such telescopes as JWST are "diffraction limited", which means that the resolution is a function of the size of the telescope's mirror, in the case of JWST it's the mirror segments that cause the starburst pattern. A huge single-mirror telescope in space could make much higher resolution images.