
nochancecat t1_isw2blx wrote

Wait, so my mom had a stillborn, 3rd child. My brother never had kids, but he was at a higher link of passing this on than me? Or do I have the same risk that I got from my father? I've never had a pregnancy issue. Do my kids have a higher risk or just my son?


nochancecat t1_ises097 wrote

We bought in 2006. Our agent lied about our jobs to the homeowners, we didn't know until after the sale was done. She also asked me to forge a letter saying my mom would cover default, which she wouldn't have done and I told her that. And I didn't do it. We waved everything to get it. Only got approved because of deceptive loan practices at the time. We ended up underwater for years on that house and raised our kids in a 900 square foot house because we couldn't sell it without a huge loss, so we just stayed and the kids started school so we stayed longer. It ended up working out in the long game, but it wasn't the plan we had for our lives, that's for sure.