
nolitos t1_ja6zx89 wrote

> This concept will sell millions of AI dogs. So what happens to the real dogs?

People will finally stop breeding and exploiting them for money and egoistical desire to be "loved".


nolitos t1_j9l3sba wrote

Sure, you can make a choice to ignore scientific evidence and live in an illusion that you're in full control with your consciousness and emotions. I'm sorry, I was mistaken thinking that we could have serious discussion here. My bad.


nolitos t1_j9g06j3 wrote

>Well emotions is both very valuable and detrimental to human decision making.

Except that they aren't. Your eyes "see" a lion, send signals to your brain. It sends signals to your adrenal glands, they produce adrenaline - you run. Emotions and even your conscious don't participate in the process. AFAIK, there's no scientific proof that we need emotions to function.

One curious experiment on the decision making:

For all we know, our conscious is simply making up good stories for us: