
noluckbut4badluck t1_jcrwsvl wrote

I think you should definitely make sure to let her know you made it to the hospital safely.. and maybe offer to buy her a drink or dinner as thanks for saving your ass. And if it was me, I'd want to hear more about creatures that -until now- I'd believed to be fairy tales - not sure if you'd be as interested, seeing as how you've had a really bad experience - but I'm sure she'd be a great conversationalist; she sounds very wise, aside from being very kind and definitely interesting. Do be sure to share if you ever cross paths with Lilly again!

Edit to correct my poor spelling and grammar.


noluckbut4badluck t1_jchfekz wrote

I'm not sure; it seems like there's going to be more to this. I hope so, I'm interested in hearing more! But you're right, I wonder if the restaurant is the Neverwood Institute for Young Monsters, or if not, then how she/they came to be there.. There's definitely more, I hope she shares it with us! Don't leave us hanging, OP!


noluckbut4badluck t1_jcewdye wrote

They might still be in the restaurant; she had originally said ai's tank went around the whole building, so it sounds like it was pretty big, and there could be others in the back. It doesn't seem like they were taken anywhere and the 'restaurant' was pretty conveniently located by/over the sea, so I think they're still there. I'd be losing my damn mind!