
nononononofin t1_jegxehz wrote

On a more serious note; they lost almost 70 million dollars last quarter. They had -85% net profit margin in the same quarter. They have a negative PE ratio.

I’m one of the few people who enjoys beyond meat products, even though I’m not a vegan or vegetarian. But yeah I wouldn’t touch this stock with a 10 foot pole.


nononononofin t1_jae1fkq wrote

> There is literally no application for what you are trying to do.

I’m not trying to do anything. This isn’t my thread.

> You can’t add temperatures together

In a literal sense, sure, as temperature is measure of energy. Even though you could argue that talking about temperature change throughout the day involves adding temperatures.

But you’re missing the point. Even if it doesn’t make sense from a physics standpoint, every human knows what the thread is asking. The point is that it’s a chatbot, not a general AI system that can discern intent/do illogical calculations.


nononononofin t1_jad8wy7 wrote

Also the same one which can’t play a chess game without making illegal moves, and produced this brilliant nugget. It’s a chatbot. It’s not an oracle like this sub thinks it is lol.