
nonrandomusername17 t1_j6ooygk wrote

From the article I cited:

> This agreement — American bombs guarded by American soldiers on a German base but flown by crews and planes of Germany's military forces, the Bundeswehr — dates back to the Cold War and NATO's nuclear deterrence strategy

I've posted a few additional links in this comment:

TLDR: a number of NATO members get bombs from the US in the event of a nuclear war, and fly the bombing mission. Apparently Poland might also soon become part of the nuclear sharing agreement.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j6on12v wrote

> There is not a single F-16 variant used anywhere in the world that has the full capabilities of their American counterparts ... The same holds for any other advanced fighter platform, including the F-35. This includes nuclear carry capability.

To be clear, I sourced that statement. Relevant bit from the article:

> In essence, the nuclear sharing agreement provides for member states of the military alliance without nuclear weapons to partake in planning and training for the use of nuclear weapons by NATO. ... Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy are all part of the sharing agreement. ... This agreement — American bombs guarded by American soldiers on a German base but flown by crews and planes of Germany's military forces, the Bundeswehr — dates back to the Cold War and NATO's nuclear deterrence strategy

Italy and Germany have the tornado. Belgium only has F16s which could possibly fulfill that role and will soon have the F35. Same goes for the Netherlands. So they do or will have DCA US made aircraft.

NATO's website:

> NATO’s nuclear deterrence posture also relies on the United States’ nuclear weapons forward-deployed in Europe, as well as on the capabilities and infrastructure provided by Allies concerned. A number of NATO member countries contribute a dual-capable aircraft (DCA) capability to the Alliance. These aircraft are central to NATO’s nuclear deterrence mission and are available for nuclear roles at various levels of readiness. In their nuclear role, the aircraft are equipped to carry nuclear bombs in a conflict and personnel are trained accordingly. The United States maintains absolute control and custody of their nuclear weapons forward deployed in Europe, while Allies provide military support for the DCA mission

And wikipedia:

> In 2022, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Germany announced that it would buy 35 F-35 jets to replace the Tornado in its nuclear sharing role. On 10 June 2013, former Dutch prime minister Ruud Lubbers confirmed the existence of 22 shared nuclear bombs at Volkel Air Base. ... In 2022, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, reports appeared about the possible inclusion of Poland in the NATO nuclear sharing program.

That last bit is something I didn't know, but given Poland is also acquiring F35s, it makes sense.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j6o81if wrote

>Any aircraft sold by the US to foreign governments can be "dumbed down"in capability and many are. That certainly includes the nuclear carrycapability.

In the case of some European allies, they often aren't.

Plenty of NATO members 'without' nukes, have nukes on loan from the US, which they are to be given in the event of a war. It's part of the nuclear sharing agreement. Goes back decades.

We could certainly 'dumb down' Ukrainian jets, but what's no point. They don't have nukes, but how are the Russians to tell from the ground?

The F16 maybe, but the F35 has stealth capability. That's an issue.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j6newrn wrote

The F35 is dual capable. IRC the F16 and F15 are too. They can carry nukes.

I can imagine that would be one of the reasons they're hesitant to send stuff like that. Russians see a plane that could be carrying a nuclear bomb. It's flying towards the border. They could come to the wrong conclusion, especially if it's a stealth plane, and they're worried they might lose it.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j6a0dsd wrote

Is it especially self-congratulatory?

> I've loved, laughed and cried

> I had my fill, my share of losing

> And now, as the tears subside

> I find that it's all so amusing


> That record shows I took all the blows

> And did it my way

It's someone looking back at his life, who was sad about the failures, but is now at the end of his life and is proud that he made his own choices, took his own path, and endured the blows that life deals you.

He did life his own way, was unique in certain ways in an uncaring world. An existentialist anthem. A bit sad. A bit happy. A song about life.


nonrandomusername17 t1_j5l5i7v wrote

It's the logical conclusion of the pseudo-religious Just World Hypothesis you and many others keep pushing on this subreddit.

You reap what you sow, karma, work hard and you can achieve anything, if you believe in yourself anything is possible, discipline will get you anywhere, hard work will set you free, Arbeit Macht Frei.

And those who 'fail'? Well it must be their own fault for lacking discipline. You're poor? You should have worked harder. You were raped? You should have been more careful. You were beaten up by the police? You should have been more respectful.

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is not a 'lack of discipline', that is life.

You know what your problem is?

You've already done plenty of things to regret, you just don't realise it yet. When you're older, you'll discover them, but realise you can't change what you did, because it's too late.

You'll be forced to accept those mistakes, carry them with you. You'll realise you're not that important, that you don't actually matter that much.

These flaws will help you build character and resilience. You will become more honest and you will realise that discipline is not enough to 'get you anywhere'.

But you will also realise that this does not matter, because as long as you have discipline, as long as do keep trying, you will also have less regrets.

Discipline is very important. Trying is very important. But it will not get you anywhere.

Accept that it won't or you'll end up giving up after you fail for the tenth time.

Accept instead that you should still have discipline, because you will regret not knowing what could have happened if you had tried your best, even if it was a long-shot and all the odds were against you.