
notabiologist t1_j9eeeqr wrote

Be kind to yourself. A break up can be very hard and that’s ok. You are allowed to be a mess, to be sad, to cry and whatever. You’re allowed to have stupid unreasonable thoughts. You are going through a very emotional rollercoaster right now and all your feelings are validated. Don’t feel you’re a fool having tried to change his mind, it’s all part of the process. But please keep in mind to be kind to yourself. You’re allowed to doubt things right now, but try to picture yourself as a very good friend. What would you tell your friend if she said she was stupid?

I can’t say I have been in your shoes, every breakup is different, but I’ve felt the same in some ways. I also broke up a relationship where my partner was checked out. She didn’t quite say it out loud but it was very obvious. I too called her and begged her to reconsider (even though I made the decision). I felt the anvil, nausea, the random crying in the bus. And I felt so stupid when I did. I was so hard on myself. I didn’t allow myself to break down, which only made the breakdown worse.

If I had a friend who went through a breakup like this I would never call their feelings stupid. I would tell them it’s ok, you’ll find someone else, you’re a good and kind person. I love you and you’ll meet someone else who does, or you’ll learn how to love yourself. Instead what I told myself was the most vile stuff ever: think ‘I’m not worthy of love’x10. That is the only thing you’re not allowed to do to yourself right now. Just be the kind friend you need and who you would be if this was happening to someone else. You can feel whatever you feel, but please be patient and kind with yourself.


notabiologist t1_j1s7q94 wrote

Questioning things that you could easily fact check: i.e. what has been the temperature change since the industrial revolution. What is the greenhouse effect and how do carbon emissions increase global temperature? Is not critical thinking.

You want to know why an article about polar bear decline is not talking about the proof for climate change? Because it has already been established. You can easily find information about it. People learn this in high school.

Critical thinking is asking critical questions, searching for answers and listening to them. There is nothing critical in your thinking, it’s the opposite. Nah, it’s not even thinking. You just repeat the same old ‘questions’ over and over again, questions that have been answered with books full of evidence and processes.

I’m so done with people like you. You sit their all smug pretending to be critical lone wolves while al you do is ask ridiculously simple questions that have been answered decades ago. You don’t do any serious research and even though you ask questions you will never care to listen to an answer because: ‘urrr I can’t trust science, so I’ll listen to the propaganda wheel that’s called FOXnews or fallen professors in psychology who have no expertise in climate change because they say what I feel is true’. Then you call other people pawns, while you so clearly have been spoon fed misinformation produced by right wing think tanks sponsored by oil companies and educated narcissists who forget that being knowledgeable in one field doesn’t make you an expert in others.

Look; if you’d really cared to listen to answers by the questions you pose, nobody would mind that you’re asking questions a 13 year old could answer, but since you’re so inclined to just believe what you feel should be right nobody will ever take you seriously. What was it again? Facts don’t care about your feelings? That’s true, they absolutely don’t, so get fucked you fucking idiot.


notabiologist t1_j1s4wa4 wrote

Sure, all climate and polar scientists are wrong… In reality the arctic is warming at 3-4 times the global average, but whatever, people like you don’t want to listen to science so I don’t know why I would bother. If you want to join the rest of the world back in reality, start listening to what experts say about things in their respective fields. If you want to make some big claims about things that you clearly know nothing about you’d better become an expert yourself, or else you’re just going to expose yourself as a gullible fool who has ‘done his research’ relying on a youtube algorithm and boomer facebook-memes.


notabiologist t1_j1conkt wrote

Totally agree, though the one thing I’d note is that acid rain has been a solved problem (in the west) and I believe isn’t the same magnitude of a problem elsewhere as it was in the west in the past. That’s the one bright thing, we are able to legislate our way out of an environmental problem. This gives some hope to legislation in order to curb climate change, although both the problem and solution to climate change is way more complex than acid rain.


notabiologist t1_iuh3bx2 wrote

Try to find a job that you feel is not actively contributing to the future you fear and then focus on making life for you and others around you just a tiny bit better. The world is always developing and in parts for the worst in many peoples eyes, but the world as we experience it in the moment is formed by people directly around us and small acts of kindness. Just being friendly to someone can mean the world to them and everyone influences these small experiences. Is it not better to go into a future with more problems with compassion and empathy than with resentment and apathy? I’m not saying to ignore your worries, but don’t let them dictate your everyday life when you’ve got so much kindness to give to friends and strangers who might need it.