
notanaccounttofollow t1_jdckak4 wrote

And now you’re older and wiser. I’ve been there in some sort of sense, felt like there was nothing, drank myself in to a pit of despair (and an extra 25 pounds). I hated everything and felt like nothing was ever gonna change. I also found myself repeating out loud a lot “ I don’t deserve this”, and I was right. And chances are you don’t either. I could keep on with the normally sayings and what not but reality is- you get one shot at this life, and you wanna waste it feeling this way for a person who sounds like she wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Gotta love yourself man. It’s the only way.


notanaccounttofollow t1_jdcjajh wrote

It’s over. Sorry pal. Better off in the long run. If she was willing to do that shady shit behind your back and wasn’t decent enough to come at you face to face and end it, she’s not a good person. Get yourself some therapy and get yourself together, get back on your feet and live for you and your kids.