
notesfromthemoon t1_j1lryk2 wrote

Advice like this not only potentially endangers OP, but also the SAR people that will have to go out and rescue OP or find their body. At the very least, include what "prepared" actually means, because to a new or moderately experienced hiker "prepared" won't mean what they think it does.

Yes, ultimately it's the individual hikers's responsibility to fully research what they're doing and honestly assess their own skills. But that doesn't make it ok to give them glib advice to go try something that's potentially extremely dangerous without even mentioning that fact


notesfromthemoon t1_j1i7uma wrote

I'm not too far from Loudon, if your friend isn't able to help out I, I'd be happy to go over and get a fire going and drip your faucets if you're not on a well. I've got plenty of dry firewood for my own stove. DM me if you need the help