
notpob t1_j4mae2d wrote

Portable and tv play. Popular for group games, family games and accessible / casual gaming. All of which combine to hit a decent cross section of the market.

Re: “do people really like Mario that much?” .. yes. More specifically, I guess like movie sequels, people go with what they know what they like. I used to say the same but realistically, despite having an Xbox, I generally only play the same handful of games - occasionally branching out into indie games. I’d never say I’ve been a hardcore gamer but as I spent less time gaming / became more time poor I tended to be happy playing a few familiar titles or games that i could dive jn and out of. Combined with the portability, I think Nintendo really brings that familiarly and convenience in the switch.

I don’t have one mind but I realised the above after I bought the series x