
nsa_reddit_monitor t1_jecvg61 wrote

Lighting a fire at the bottom of a pit seems like a good way to suffocate as the fire burns all the oxygen and the rising heat blocks fresh air from sinking.

Also if it's more than just a few feet deep it'll always be the same not-freezing temperature from geothermal heat.

I bet the drawing is actually depicting a cliff, not a pit.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_jdsfa3s wrote

If you're not sure if it's wired right, here's a simple test: stick your finger in it. To ensure an accurate result, you'll need to compensate for geography. In the Americas: if your arm jerks around a bit and you feel funny, you did it wrong. In Europe, it's even easier. Just check if you're dead or just dead inside like usual. If you're dead, you need to swap the wires around. For India and Africa, don't bother with the test at all, there's no enforced electrical code anyways.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_jdsebxd wrote

Many multimeters have a setting where they'll beep if you touch the two probes together (or if there's nothing but wire between them, i.e. an electrical short). Use that setting. If yours doesn't have it, use the ohms setting (Ω) instead. Tap the probes together to see what a short looks like.

Make sure the power is disconnected first or you'll brick your multimeter (or best case blow a safety fuse inside it).


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_j6oh8iz wrote

Technically trial by combat is still an option in the US court system. This is because it was legal in Britain when the US declared independence, and the British laws/precedents were mostly kept as-is. Britain outlawed it a few decades later but that didn't change the now seperated laws in the US.

Nobody's ever specifically outlawed trial by combat in the US because only a few people have ever tried to use it, and those people were told to shut up and just pay their traffic tickets.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_j22r9co wrote

The NEC doesn't apply though because it covers things like building wiring and doesn't regulate stuff users plug in to that wiring later.

It doesn't make sense anyways. You'd have to also argue that I'd face building code violations if I gifted someone a no-brand power strip from Aliexpress, because I guarantee a lot of those aren't UL listed.

OP's devices would likely be an OSHA violation, but that just means they can't be used in a workplace.

Basically, this is legal because it's not covered by the NEC, it's not in OSHA's jurisdiction, and UL listing isn't required by law.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_j1o4ln6 wrote

I use Keepass, it has a standard format for password databases so a lot of tools and apps exist to read a Keepass database. I make sure (via various methods) that all my computers and phones and backups have a copy of my password database.

I only have the Keepass password memorized, and a couple of my computers use that password for their full-disk encryption (because if you get past that, I'm screwed regardless of if you have my passwords). Basically, unless you take down my computers, my phones, and a couple backups in undisclosed locations, I won't lose any of my passwords.

So I don't even know my bank or email login. Worst case, I can just go to the bank and have them reset it in person. And my email is hosted on a private server I own (in an undisclosed location), so I could physically go to the datacenter and plug a keyboard in to regain access.