
nyconx t1_j2e2srv wrote

Many of the local chain restaurants are switching to forcing customers pay this fee. You would think they would benefit more to not have to deal with handling cash to make up for this. I think they can start to get away with it because we are at the tipping point where people do not carry cash much anymore.


nyconx t1_j1vk5xy wrote

In a vacuum no regular production (Non special edition) car appreciates in value. In a supply shortened window due to pandemic yes cars appreciate in value. People would always prefer to buy a new car if they can buy the same thing for a lower MSRP. What your seeing now will not last long and is only supply constraint issues.

A few years ago I would have agreed with you regarding the Bolt vs EUV. That is also why the bolt was kind of dogged in old reviews. It was not worth it for its cost. Times change and you can no longer buy a Tesla that cheap and the Bolt dropped substantially in price. They no longer are comparable in the price category.