
nylonstring t1_j87op1t wrote

  1. If you can afford professional help, get it.
  2. If you get professional help, and you should, listen to every instruction and follow their list of steps exactly.
  3. Understand that the nature of bedbugs is different than other infestations. They do not care about your food. Youare the food.
  4. Leave your emotions out of this. You are now at war.
  5. Declutter your home but do so logically. If they are only seen in one area DO NOT TRACK THEM TO OTHER AREAS. Bag articles of clothing and bedding in study trash bags at least 3 mil thick and tie them with a knot, not a twist tie or drawstring. Do this to every article you don’t need right now.
  6. Get a bagged vacuum if you don’t own one and plenty of bags. You are now going to vacuum everyday and throw the bag away immediately.
  7. Now is not the time to ignore this.
  8. Purchase a quality mattress protector made to keep out bed bugs and in. The will starve in there. Oh did I mention these fuckers can live like a year and half without a meal? The ones you can’t suck up, burn, or crush you’ll have to starve. This is war.
  9. The biggest mistake I made was not finding their nest which was in some luggage that my dad had in his trunk. He kept bringing more in.
  10. There is hope. Heed the advice of a professional and you might make it out with less PTSD than I did.