
oOoOosparkles t1_j8byryd wrote

Congratulations on starting your journey to better health! You're lucky that they caught you in the pre-diabetic phase because once you have it, it wreaks so much havoc on your body.

I was diagnosed with full-blown diabetes back in 2012 and didn't start Keto until the end of 2021. I was also on Metformin (luckily wasn't so bad that I needed insulin, but I was close to that level). I have, through diet alone (I'm too lazy to exercise and need to work on that LOL) successfully treated my diabetes and no longer need medicine.

Low carb is absolutely the best solution for keeping your blood sugars healthy. Just find the macros that work best for you.

If you ever have any questions about diabetes or Keto, feel free to message me. I wish you the best!