
oatmilkproletariat t1_jdrxfyb wrote

thank god they did. back when i worked at saxby’s temple location in 2019, we would constantly get emails from our manager asking if anyone could cover the 5am opening shift at this 30th st location. they seemed to always struggle with finding staff to work their hours, but ig that’s the consequence of a company paying minimum wage while mainly recruiting college kids 🤷🏻‍♀️


oatmilkproletariat t1_j5xsnwr wrote

besides the obvious ones already mentioned like roosevelt blvd and fishtown, chinatown and temple’s campus for the same reason - the driving situation sucks for both the drivers and the pedestrians. i’ve seen ppl almost get run over in both neighborhoods due to extremely angsty and impatient drivers. tight streets & constant foot traffic do not mix well.