
obidamnkenobi t1_j8g36y1 wrote

Even if it's "in the woods" dog shit should be picked up. There are far too many dogs in concentrated area, and their diets have too much unnatural crap in it (not to mention nasty germs), for their poop to left anywhere. You own a dog, you pick it up.


obidamnkenobi t1_j3dfu81 wrote

I like Columbia, but probably dislike driving more than most, and I wouldn't want to do the commute from Columbia to Rockville. That's almost 7 hours per week of your life spent in a car. 300 hours per year wasted! An extra 17% longer work day, for no pay.. No thanks.


obidamnkenobi t1_iuixn59 wrote

Reply to comment by ravens40 in looking to cut the cord by GenXr_from_301

At least I'm my case I pay $50/ month for fios internet only, and paid $105 or so with cable (and that was lowest possible tier). And had Netflix and Amazon in addition anyway, since that's better shows! Sometimes pay for Hulu or peacock in addition, which might not have done with cable, but it's fairly minor. We cut the cord when we realized we hadn't turn the cable box on in over 7 months. I can't watch "live" TV", on demand or nothing..


obidamnkenobi t1_iuiwn3o wrote

Is there anything worth watching on local channels? Or should say; what is there? Genuinely curious what they have.. Cut the cord 5 years ago, and honestly have no idea what NBC, ABC have to offer.. But I've never missed it. I got an antenna, but have checked it out twice, found it was all garbage and never used it again, lol.

Netflix, Amazon, and HBO have more than I can ever watch.. *shrug.


obidamnkenobi t1_ir5lmv6 wrote

I'm mostly curious because I'll have a teen in a few years, but do they need to go into a bank? I haven't in at least 8 years (or more?), but not sure if teens would have other needs? I never use cash, but not sure if they do? Venmo and electronic transfer should cover most, no?

As another point: I use Schawb for bank. Zero fees from any atm, great CS. Of course no branch to visit