
obscuredreference t1_ix6sn53 wrote

By claiming that a funny pics subreddit is a pro-slavery echo-chamber, you actually devaluate the term, making people tune out real conversations about it (because then they assume it’s more ridiculous nonsense like that), harming actual activism against the real issue, which is tragically still horribly prevalent in the modern world.

So by being nonsensically hyperbolic, you’re actually damaging the anti-slavery cause you claim to be defending.


obscuredreference t1_ix6s17i wrote

> when someone points out that they are not at all unique to countries run by people who don't look like you.

Firstly, please don’t be quick to assume what others look like. I’m not even American, though I do live there now. It’s especially distasteful that you imply racism with your bit about people condemning the Qatari situation because it‘s people of a different ethnicity.

As for the rest, I guess we can only agree to disagree, since I maintain that while the situation in US prisons is not ok either (or the homeless situation and so on issues outside of prisons too), it can’t be compared to the slavery and horrors being perpetrated against complete innocents in the Middle East.


obscuredreference t1_ix5emly wrote

Even if it happens, it’s supposed to be the outlier, and there are laws that are supposed to be there to stop it, despite these people being criminals.

Slavery of innocent people in the Middle East is not on any comparable level to that.

That’s a simple fact, no matter how much whataboutism you use to hijack this serious situation in order to talk shit about the US.


obscuredreference t1_ix45o7k wrote

Yeah, I saw a whole article about how it’s horrible and unacceptable and how dare they do all these inhumane things that we will “have so much trouble ignoring while trying to enjoy the WC.”

I’m like what?! No, fuck enjoying this shit show or ignoring it. Stay angry and boycott watching this farce. Tell the sponsors why you’re not watching, too. And I say this as a devoted soccer enthusiast who never missed a WC before.