
obsertaries t1_j079nc6 wrote

The way I see it, America doesn’t have “the police”, it has 17,000 different police organizations that all have their own standards and don’t necessarily communicate with each other at all. To many people this is a feature, not a bug, as they want local standards over stuff like policing and not national standards.


obsertaries t1_iy3w4do wrote

A few years ago I talked to a fisheries science PhD and he explained that despite being an absolute staple in many countries, we know almost nothing about tuna. They show up near the surface in some common places and they can be caught there, but then they go deep underwater and come up somewhere else. No one can track where they go; it’s all guesswork, even after doing it for thousands of years.

Edit: not knowing anything about them also means that you only know when you’ve overfished them when it’s too late.


obsertaries t1_iuilszj wrote

In linguistics I’ve heard that expression used a few times. All kinds of other living things have ways to communicate with each other, but human language is one of the very few that can communicate about temporal or spacial displacement, i.e. you can talk about things that the listener can’t see in exactly that place and time, like what you had for breakfast this morning or what the weather is like in Alaska right now.

It was originally believe they only human language can do this, but now it seems that bee dances have that function as well.