
occasional_cynic t1_j694prh wrote

If you volunteer for foster care you will have to go through umpteen tons of paperwork, have your personal life and privacy raped by a case manager/social worker, and any adult males in the house will be treated like unconvicted child molesters.

The system has become so bad that basically the only people willing to host fosters are those doing it as a quasi-business, and want the $$.


occasional_cynic t1_j29fk1u wrote

'real safety concerns' = things I agree with.

'ignorance' = things I do not agree with.

> maybe spend some time looking at statistics of men who commit sexual assault versus a trans person

Crime statistics (especially with perpetrators) actually do not factor in gender identity at all, but your continued ignorance will be well received on Reddit as long as it it complies with what all the other SJW's want to hear.


occasional_cynic t1_j0zs5zb wrote

> On the day of the invasion, the Allies faced heavy resistance from the German forces

One nit - besides Omaha beach the Germans were not able to strongly resist the landings. They did not have force available to man all the beaches. Resistance only stiffened significantly when the Germans were able to centralize their forces as the Allies tried to push inland away from their artillery support.


occasional_cynic t1_j027v6l wrote

Next headline "How Logan Airport exacerbates inequities among underserved communities." The author has a degree in "Rhetoric" from UCal Berkeley. I could not even make that up if I tried.

Also, East Boston destroyed part of Boston Harbor in the first place.

edit: whoa, guess the I angered the skinny-jeans/beanie cap wearing hipsters here.
