
oksapar t1_iuh2s5z wrote

> We go along with them because turkey is a NATO state, but we don't have to.

You have to since it's Turkish waters and you need Turkey's permission to pass through it. Turkey and Turkish public wants to avoid a war as much as possible, so Turkey might refuse to give access to US carriers just like it refused to give access to US troops into Iraq in 2003.


oksapar t1_iuetaid wrote

How do you know Turkey hasn't provided lists of terror suspects and evidence? They don't have to do this publicly. In fact, they would do it quietly in order to prevent suspects to flee. Justice departments of each country would talk quietly between them.

>Why hasn't Turkey approved Finland?

It hasn't been voted in the parliament. It's election year and Erdogan has a lot of problems, mainly economic. It says Turkey will host key figures to talk with them.

If you read the article, it says:

>In June, Türkiye, Sweden and Finland struck a deal that included provisions on extraditions and sharing of information.

That was back in June. Maybe they haven't done it yet..


oksapar t1_iuepw1q wrote

> Can you find name of single terrorist that Turkey has demanded from Finland? I don't expect you to know them without searching.

Why should I know names of terrorists that Turkey wants extradited from Sweden and Finland? They're probably not so high profile. How do you know your government isn't the one lying? How do you know Turkey didn't give them a list of names and are still waiting for Finland to keep its end of the bargain.

All we know is Erdogan spoke positive about Finland's application but not positive about Sweden's.


oksapar t1_iueo2bb wrote

> Turkey’s agenda is to keep both masters happy - Russia and the EU for maximum concessions. They’re going to play a complicated game to ensure they’re seen “not to be holding up” the Nordic countries applications while also not allowing the spread of NATO to Russia’s borders…

That's not Turkey's problem. And going to war with Russia in order to protect Sweden is in no way Turkish people's interest.

You think Turkish people have no say in this. This is one of the subjects that Turkish people both voting for and against Erdogan are unified. Sweden isn't popular in Turkey for their decades long support and harboring of PKK members. Same can be said about US support of YPG in Syria.

Both countries have to show commitment to Turkey's security and terrorism issues before Turkey approves them.


oksapar t1_iuemqkn wrote

Turkey doesn't have to approve either country's bids. This isn't about Erdogan, the Turkish public doesn't want Sweden approved and Nordic countries' safety is not our concern. Neither is NATO's since NATO doesn't seem to care about Turkey's safety concerns and just likes to bark orders.

If you think this is only about Erdogan, you'll be surprised with his replacements (if we can replace him in the next election). This is the will of the Turkish people and you have to show Turkey and Turkey's security needs respect.

>Can anyone name single terrorist Turkey has demanded from Finland?

No. Can you name any single terrorist from ISIS (without looking up)? Maybe they are given a list and haven't kept their end of the bargain yet. Both countries will show commitment with Turkey on issues like security and terrorism before Turkey will agree to approve because Turkey doesn't actually have to approve neither country.