
olderaccount t1_j7ll9gk wrote

Not to mention it is a tiny backpack. That is how they solved the problem of backpacks being heavy.

Want to bring your lunchbox or water bottle along? Don't worry, they will sell you matching accessories for those. Now you have something just as heavy as what they were replacing wit hshit dangling from all sides for the low, low price of $200.


olderaccount t1_j7lklak wrote

How do you define success?

Until you have sales, how do you know if your design is a success or not?

I have a hard time accepting that a $140 backpack for little kids will succeed. Maybe with the right endorsement from trendy influencers you might get a few of the Lululemon crowd to drop the kind of cash on a kids backpack. The mainstream market could never support that price point.