
olearygreen t1_j23zaqv wrote

Wait… how? Wouldn’t that require all planets to have the same speed traveling around the sun? You need the inner planets between earth and sun, or behind the sun from our perspective which sure I can see that happening all the time unless they are hidden behind the sun itself. But the outer planets would need to be behind the sun from earth’s perspective, no? If they are on “our side” of the sun then we cannot see them together with the inner planets?

I need an ELI5 picture or video explaining to me how this is not a rare event.


olearygreen t1_itz4t3s wrote

Protectionism always hurts the protectionist.

It will make everything more expensive, harder to export and require more protectionist measures that require our companies to compete less with the world having eventually a negative effect on National Security due to messer products. Ask Russia how that works out.
