
olemeloART t1_ixcti51 wrote

The point was that the LAION dataset, on which the model was trained, is static. it was created once and isn't continuously updated - a snapshot of a point in time. The curation was also automated, but biased for the aesthetic score ("how likely would a human find this pretty"). That's why so much art was captured in it. So, if you put an artwork out on the internet today, it will not be used by the current crop of AI art generators. Whether this is "stealing" is a matter of opinion, as all of those images were public and went into a common "melting pot". I was only specifically addressing the "scraping" statement, because there is a lot of misinformation and confusion around that - some people literally seem to think there are bots hiding in the shadows waiting to snatch their works.

Mind you, that is different from someone downloading a specific artist's collection from Artstation and purposely training a checkpoint to specifically imitate that artist. That's shitty and gross, and in my mind definitely amounts to theft and plagiarism, and many in the AI art community agree with me.


olemeloART t1_ixcnzuj wrote

>AI art generation is only done by the programs scraping the internet

That's absolutely not how it works. You're right about the rule ("don't make me tap the sign!"), but there was clearly effort, idea and intent that went into this. If mandalas made by spirograph can belong in this sub, then why not this? It's the message, not the medium that matters (yeah, I know what I said, Mr McLuhan).


olemeloART t1_ixcne66 wrote

The main tell is how parts of the image that are supposed to be on different layers and conceptually separate are "gooey" and melting into one another. Also there are bits of weird random garbage. Like some tiny shadowy figure inside the sun. Birds that don't look like birds. Tiny "hair"-like stuff sticking out of things. Garbled type. Etc. All of this needs to be cleaned up for it to be considered finished work. But the composition is good, the image is powerful and conveys a message (if a little blunt). The piece has good "bones" (heh), just needs finishing touches.