
olive_ate_my_pimento t1_iwgikli wrote

When you cancel ask what your last day of coverage is. When you call to schedule appointmwnts/get on the waitlist, ask the provider if they accept state insurance. That way you will know you are with a provider that accepts it. It generally does not take too long to get accepted. I have seen it happen pretty quickly. Also if someone has substance abuse problems, there is additional help at the county level (throwing that out there in case someone else needs the info).


olive_ate_my_pimento t1_iwf34c1 wrote

As a mental health provider, I see Medicaid covering therapy sessions completely (provided the therapist accepts Medicaid; not all do). Waitlists are often long. I would recommend getting on a couple now. Psychiatrist waiting lists are also long; again get on the waitlist or schedule the appointment now if you can (for your future date). Others recommend getting an extra perscription from your current provider; this is a good idea. You might also want to see if your current provider will see you via telehealth as you transition your care to PA. You will need to be aware of your stop date for your current insurance, but there may be some time to help you transition. It's worth asking.