
om3gapro OP t1_ja2o6g8 wrote

Kinda hard to say because when I got my Sundara, I already had the 1990 Pro & Sennheiser HD660s and I preferred those to the Sundara, so I didn't listen to them much, but when I did I really loved the sound. Honestly, I think if you have a pair of Sundara, HD600 Series or 1990 Pro, more expensive headphones offer little value to you. While I like the LCD X more than the Sundara, I would rather have the Sundara and save the money.


om3gapro OP t1_ja1gkka wrote

This is a really hard question. I think the Focal Clear actually sound the best to me but the lack of soundstage really hurts it imo. I think the Focal Clear would be a great daily driver, but I really like having a wide soundstage so unfortunately I think that eliminates the Clear for me but if you don't mind a lack of soundstage I would probably go for the Clear OG.

So this leaves the HD8XX vs Arya. I have sticker modded my HD8XX which is a rather simple process but I get not everyone would want to do that, so if that's something you're not willing to do, then I would say the HD8XX is easily the worst out of all 4 headphones. With the sticker mod applied, I THINK I lean towards the HD8XX. I think the Arya sound a bit better and actually have pretty great bass but they have this really prominent sibilant spike that can get pretty fatiguing. They also have a pretty decent soundstage. They're like a really good inbetween of the Clear and the HD8XX but the HD8XX is more comfortable and since I play a lot of videogames I like the additional soundstage. The HD8XX is just REALLY lean sounding, the mids don't sound very natural and there is next to no bass, whereas the mids on the Arya are also a little lacking but they make up for that with good bass performance. For reference I have the Arya V2 not Stealth


om3gapro OP t1_ja12j7f wrote

For Christmas I ended up getting the Focal Clear OG and the Sennheiser HD8XX and was VERY happy with them but there were still 2 headphones in the $1000 tier that I just HAD to get as well. The Hifiman Arya and the Audeze LCD X. I ended up getting both (I have no self control) but this post is about the LCD X.

I had heard complaints about the weight of this headphone but always thought to myself "It can't be THAT bad," I was wrong. You WILL feel these headphones and my first few days with them definitely caused some soreness but honestly, after a couple of days, they don't really feel too heavy to me anymore. There's definitely some days where I choose to wear other headphones and when I come back to these I'm always reminded of their weight but it definitely isn't as bad as those first few days.

As far as the sound, I think they might be my least favorite out of my Clears, HD8XX and Arya but it's really not by much and there's even some days where I prefer these, especially if I'm after that deep booming bass. I usually prefer the dynamics of the Clears if I'm listening to bass but the Clears feel much more closed in than the LCD X so if I'm in the mood for bass+SOME width (emphasis on SOME, these are definitely not wide) then I grab these. Not too big on EQing because I swap headphones so regularly, I often times forget to switch EQ profiles. That being said, the LCD X DO sound better with EQ but I don't think it's necessary to enjoy this headphone. I've been using Resolve's EQ for this headphone if I do EQ as I tend to not really like Oratory's settings on my headphones, but a lot of people do so you could try those!

All in all, idk if I would ever be happy with these as my ONE headphone. Especially due to the weight, I couldn't see these being a daily driver unless you only wear headphones for 2-3hrs a day. I wear headphones 8+hrs most days due to my job and after the third hour or so, these definitely gotta come off. That being said I think these are an AMAZING complimentary headphone to something like an HD600/800 series headphone, making up for the bass those lack. Happy to have this legendary headphone in my collection!