
oneeyedwilly278 t1_jcdsphb wrote

Call the pest control company and Google a bit. A lot of people have the opposite complaint in my experience. Management doesn't do anything and then there's a pest problem and they won't respond. Move into your own domicile and avoid all chemicals at your discretion. Or don't and deal with decent service relative to a lot of renters.

Edit to clarify.. the reason you may not observe active pest issues is because of the timely preventative maintenance.


oneeyedwilly278 t1_jadydr9 wrote

Reply to comment by afreshhhh in Is this legit? by Bergamoted

So did I a few weeks ago then got a follow up from a human that said they didn't have my deed on file and to send a copy of the deed w a paper application dated by Feb 28.. just saying that might be the foolproof method given its the last day


oneeyedwilly278 t1_jadvxdb wrote

I think at this point you'd have to do paper registration and get it marked at the post office as having been mailed on 2-28


oneeyedwilly278 t1_j6287re wrote

If I had to save I'd be buying wholesale chicken beans rice veggies for my main prepped foods. Then I'd be buy treats to spice it up here and there while things are on sale or just other veggies and fruits to supplement the meals (avocados, nuts, tuna). I feel like you could do that for much less even including snacks and what not. What are you buying?


oneeyedwilly278 t1_j53pv75 wrote

Fair enough young buck it's on them then .. hope you find somewhere new with better training and keep up the spirit .. things have been weird the last few years and a lot of training from older employees has gone out the window bc they've moved on to different roles.. my fault for the insult


oneeyedwilly278 t1_j53k4z4 wrote

Ok you need to get paid that's on them.

I'm going out on a limb here and guessing you were a less than desirable employee if they let you go in this environment.

Were you finding things to do when not busy, asking for guidance, figuring out what you should learn for a promotion or raise?

Did they give you zero training or something?

Lately high school kids need to be held by the hand and walked through menial tasks. Even fully trained you don't give them attention for a week and you'll find them on their phone in the back. Worst time to be in the fast food or retail business.


oneeyedwilly278 t1_j0l1e7s wrote

To produce each re usable bag has the environmental impact of producing 130 single use plastic bags. So if you're forgetful and have 30 re usable bags you've done the harm of 3,900 single use bags and counting. We've gotten upwards of 100 bags easily from ordering groceries online occasionally. So equivalent of 13,000 single use bags as far as environmental impact in a year.