
onlycatshere t1_j98ldlu wrote

I was wondering why a worker would stick their neck out like that on camera, showing their full nimby ass to the world. Him being the owner makes a looot more sense. I've known quite a few nimby construction owners in my life who act like this, they all fantasize about being violent like this guy


onlycatshere t1_j1za85k wrote

I really don't get the broccoli top hate. Seems like popularity hate tbh... I've seen both little shitheads and respectful youngsters sport the style, and I think the internet is trying to make it a thing just so it can be a meme we can harp about. When it first started popping up I thought it looked good and I still think it does, though it's no longer a unique style


onlycatshere t1_it28j5y wrote

To be fair, it isn't this bad everyday in smoke season. The weather seems to have a big affect on where it goes and how well it dissipates.

Everyone I talked with about it agreed that yesterday was the worst day of the year (so far). A couple years ago I feel like we had at least a couple weeks as severe as yesterday. Hopefully it's not like that again.

I'm seeing a few people outside wearing respirators, more than during the height of the pandemic. Working for an hour outside without a N95 yesterday was a poor choice and I'm still dead exhausted from it. Going from inside to out, it's instant coughing and stinging eyes for me, and while others feel that too, it seems like my body has less tolerance lol. Definitely going to wear my resp today