
orgtre OP t1_iqxdr8t wrote

Yes, basically. But in addition to differences in vocabulary diversity, differences between the lines of different languages might be due to differences in the collections of books (corpora) these lines are based on.

On thing that seems to play a role is that the corpora are of different sizes: Lines for both Hebrew and Chinese look quite different from the other languages, and these corpora are also much smaller than the others. Hebrew and Chinese both also use a non-Roman alphabet, but so does Russian, whose corpus is larger. So this is some indication of that Hebrew and Chinese stand apart because of their smaller corpus size.


orgtre OP t1_iqx4i2s wrote

Yes, the data comes from the same books. For each language I create an ordered list of the most frequent words, looking like this. The graph then just plots the rank of the word on the x-axis and the cumulative relative frequency (column "cumshare" in the csv files) on the y-axis.

The answer to your last question is hence also yes. It brings up the question of how representative the underlying corpus is. I wrote a bit about that here and there is also this paper. To be very precise the y-axis title should be "% words in a typical book from the Google Books Ngram corpus one can understand"; to the extent that one thinks the corpus is representative of a typical book one might read, the "from the Google Books Ngram corpus" part can be omitted.


orgtre OP t1_iqwcedp wrote

Yes, it is strange. The analysis takes words into account – here is the underlying wordlist. The words were created by Google and the process is described on page 12 of the revised online supplement of this paper as follows: > The tokenization process for Chinese was different. For Chinese, an internal CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) segmenter was used to break characters into word units. The CJK segmenter inserts spaces along common semantic boundaries. Hence, 1-grams that appear in the Chinese simplified corpora will sometimes contain strings with 1 or more Chinese characters.

I think the problem is that the Chinese corpus is much smaller than the other corpora. A better way to create this graph might have been to only include words that occur at least once every say one million words, but this would have needed quite some code changes and I'm not sure it is better. Right now the count of the total number of words per language, the denominator in the y-axis, includes all "words".

Moreover, the Chinese corpus might be based on a more narrow selection of books than the other corpora, as a look at the list of most common 5-grams (sequences of 5 "words") reveals.