
pagetwenty t1_j2dehow wrote

Surprised so many people wrote Amazon. Amazon has the lowest book prices because they are trying to become the leading bookseller and hope to put other bookstores out of business. Eventually, they could have a monopoly on books if they are successful and prices could rise. This will damage business for indie bookstores


pagetwenty t1_ixviqh5 wrote

The true story that this novel is based on that you mentioned, is that of Paula Jean Welden of Bennington College (Jackson lived in Bennington, VT). Interestingly, Donna Tartt’s novel, “The Secret History” is also based on the Paula Jean Welden disappearance and she went to college at Bennington. Both Tarrt and Jackson’s novels based on this true story are fantastic. Although I found Jackson’s much more chilling.


pagetwenty t1_ixsyknn wrote

I was completely blown away by Jackson’s writing when reading Haunting of Hill House. It then lead me to read every book she’s written. Her autobiographical compilation (Raising Demons) is also hilarious.