
pahnzoh t1_jamlx5e wrote

Reply to comment by GKnives in Let’s get moving NH by bluesmom913

Doing actual physical resistance training or cardio where you maintain an elevated heart rate is what matters. And diet.

Creating walkable cities is not the problem.


pahnzoh t1_j9usdpx wrote

Fell victim to the covid lockdown scam and instituted some stupid mask mandates. Less of a tyrant than what the democrats come up with. Overall not the worst politican, but that's not a high bar.


pahnzoh t1_ixehf6u wrote

It is hard to come up with a perfect ethical solution when we are born into social systems that have relied on debt financing, political corruption, extortion, taxation, forced governance, and the like.

I don't see any problem with use-based payments for infrastructure. We already have them, they're call tolls. It's just a different way of funding things.

All of these services can be performed by the private market by paying for them. I understand that's not the way we've done it, but you can certainly do it without the government middle man.

It's completely logical, you just haven't heard of it because it's not taught in schools or discussed in media.


pahnzoh t1_ixeamk7 wrote

It's not bad logic. I want good schooling too. Through voluntary market exchange like the rest of the products and services I buy. Pay for what you use, and don't pay for what you don't.

I just don't want to use violence and extortion to pay for it.

I would dissolve those socialist programs as well as they are intergenerational extortion.


pahnzoh t1_ixd53v5 wrote

If you look at your property tax bill, you'll see the the vast majority of it is itemized to schools.

Sort of problematic if you don't have kids or don't plan to.

You're being forced to pay to school other people's kids. I get that this is the way it's worked for sometime, but I don't think this is exactly ethical. You have the kids, you should pay for their schooling. You don't have kids, you don't have to pay.

That way you're not forced to pay exorbitant property taxes if you don't have kids.


pahnzoh t1_iwpyjjs wrote

Well not just the interest rate increases. Look at all of the money they just magically add into the economy via buying treasuries. Trillions during the 2 year covid era, even more than that before during the 08 financial crisis.

It's not really a D vs R political problem because neither party really has any position to change it.