
pallesaides t1_jd0i2ok wrote

You're putting words in my mouth? This can be some cop being a bitch (threatening to tow his car for not expired tabs) and incompetence by the state for not giving him a new month sticker. Also your situation while similar is also completely different and has to do with a COA and not the cops at all?


pallesaides t1_jcwy92d wrote

>Not all are and that attitude doesn't help. I got pulled over for expired tabs and even though we had a talk about the half burnt joint in my ashtray, he still let me go to go buy them. Going on to JBLM once, they let me go buy them. The other two times, I got ticketed, once thrown out, once reduced fee, so HOCAB (half of cops are bastards?)

Those 'not a bastard' cops, still watch their other cop brothers be bastards and do nothing about it. Wake up.


pallesaides t1_jcwy7b7 wrote

The sticker doesn't matter. When they go to pull you over they look up your registration on their computer and it tells them when yours expires. Like the exact date. The sticker is there to give them a reason to possible check if you're expired. Like technically if you expire on on Sept 3rd, and your sticker says sept and it's sept 20th then it's expired.

This was a cop doing a power trip, if you don't believe that you're just not paying attention.


pallesaides t1_j2p1ceu wrote

Hope he doesn't show up to the court date when you contest it is basically your only hope, maybe hire a lawyer, but that's gonna end up costing more than the ticket so it depends how badly you don't want it on your record I guess.


pallesaides t1_itfwdnp wrote

Astoria, Leavenworth, hit cape disappointment when you're in Astoria. If you wanna hit Eastern Washington, look for falls, there's several depending on how far east or whatever you want to go. Have heard great things about the 'ape caves' but haven't been myself. The drive from Yakima along highway 12 is great, but can be a litte dangerous depending on how snow goes next month ... but based on Oct. that is likely not a problem. There's skiiing at the top, but not necessary.