
pandacorn t1_jacekjz wrote

I dunno, the hampden skatepark gets a lot of use. Seems like the only people really using roosevelt park sometimes. I get wanting to street skate as well, but If I still skated I would love to go to a skatepark nearby.


pandacorn t1_j9ydyle wrote

Probably goes back to poor drivers Ed. My parents were really focused on making sure I was a good driver and they sent me to a drivers Ed course that was actually helpful, rather than just a "vehicle" to get my license. I imagine this isn't the case for everyone. I don't even think about using my turn signal. it's a habit. it's going to prevent me from getting into an accident as I'm telling those people behind me I'm switching lanes instead of just swrving out of nowhere.


pandacorn t1_iybfbve wrote

Just went tonight and it wasn't too packed, plenty of space at the bar. Get there right at 5 and Its usually ok. Someone told me that if there is a long wait they went to get a drink at Harland and they will text you when there is a table ready.


pandacorn t1_iug2e7y wrote

Interstellar started great, but they seemed to want to play the most repetitive daft punk songs. It was a weird set list, they played "one more time" early and then you had to wait through a bunch of "filler" daft punk songs. I had seen them before at the old metro gallery, and this was much better. But I have also seen daft punk live a few times and I think it just works better with synths and djs, although i have much respect for the musicianship with the horns.


pandacorn t1_itdg1rl wrote

The prevalence of those restaurants does not equal a high demand. People who choose to go out to eat don't choose who own those restaurants, they just want to go downtown.

Do you ever wonder why there are so many great authentic Mexican and South American restaurants on North Broadway, but you still will get a papis tacos near the waterfront? There just isn't much diversity in food,generally,in the tourist areas, and atlas doesn't help that.

Go to New Orleans and tell me there isn't a big difference in what is offered, not just in food, but in entertainment. That's just an example,phili and DC are also more diverse,if you want better local examples.


pandacorn t1_itbrn10 wrote

Yeah, this is obvious that there are other ownership groups. they actually own around 20 in the region (and growing). but would it not be better for those areas like harbor east to have more diverse options? You look at the area in fells that is quickly changing. They now own waterfront hotel, choptank and admirals cup in fells (berthas is being sold as we speak). This city doesn't have that many tourist areas and it would be great if there was more diverse ownership in those specific sections of the city.