
panzuulor t1_jdsl9gw wrote

The people there would probably already have concluded that the Milky Way is not part of their own galaxy but a separate galaxy and that the universe is so much bigger, many centuries before we discovered it.


panzuulor t1_j8hm2kg wrote

The light would’ve already passed us. We can only see light that hits our telescope every nanosecond and every nanosecond new light from that object reaches us. We can never determine where in the sky that light started to travel. Our snapshot of the universe is exactly that; the light that we see exists in the moment it reaches us locally but the object it originated from is never in the same position as we see it.


panzuulor t1_j6kehut wrote

I’m sure there is life in the galaxy. Us finding it in our lifetime is still unlikely. Our radio only exists a hundred years. If other life has discovered radio today but live 1000 Lightyear away, we won’t discover them any time soon. Or if they discovered it 10000 years ago but live 20000 Lightyear away …..