
parental92 t1_ir6qj69 wrote

>when we find new ways to transfer data blazingly fast?

standards move on and we can make it backwards compatible. Since usb C itself is still evolving.

>Will we need 2 ports for that?

depends on the theoritical new faster port

>Does this assume everything is going wireless?

even the reverse. if iphone are usb C they can transver files at faster speed than usb 2.0. Even if everything going wireless, a standardized port are still a good thing.

>What is a smartphone?

The thing you type your comment on

>Do lawmakers decide what that is now?

hint: to impose a law you need to define the thing you impose it to. Hence bog standard definition id smartphone. We cant jam a usb c on oura smart ring cant we ?



I get that there are arguments about evolution., but history proves that it is mostly irrelevant. given the chance . . (like they already have in the last 10 years) Big company like apple does not uses the best and fastest port in the interest of "evolution". they uses it to trap the consumer to their own stuff. Not even exclusive to Apple . . Look at one plus/oppo, wanna fast charge your oppo ? buy OUR charger!


There, hope that answer your questions.