
parrano357 t1_je2cbb8 wrote

I've heard of that happening in NYC so I'm not denying what you mention exists. I guess my general question would be what does everyone consider the appropriate police action if the police see a roaming group of teens harassing people doing their best brookline turkey impressions or worse.

are they supposed to pull their gun on them and make them all lie down on the ground and get cuffed? chase them and tackle them? flash their lights at them? seems like 1 or even 2 cops trying to deal with 10-15 unruly individuals could pose some issues


parrano357 t1_j5odjrn wrote

classic reddit city subreddit jizzing their pants over a storm surge. theres a reason celebrities and politicians are still buying up all the coastline properties in LA, palm beach, hamptons and nantucket/vineyard and its not because they are afraid of global warming
