
paxxx17 t1_jc3n17l wrote

Reply to comment by apuma in Žižek Has Lost the Plot by elimial

People were a priori against the conclusions of his arguments so they couldn't bring themselves to understand his arguments, but nevertheless they criticized the arguments, mostly missing the point


paxxx17 t1_irmtpmv wrote

If it's me whom you're asking:

Yesterday, while trying to find her article about panpsychism, I stumbled upon this podcast. It explains the problems I had with her article a lot more concisely than I ever could (after all, the guy's a philosopher and I'm a physicist), so check it out if you're curious (fully recommend, it's an amazing video).


paxxx17 t1_irjvxct wrote

I don't remember details nor where I watched it anymore, but as far I remember, she was "debunking" panpsychism with some arguments which were showing that she doesn't understand what panpsychism is claiming in the first place. Something along the lines of, electrons cannot make conscious decisions therefore they cannot be conscious

EDIT: ok, here is her post. A load of bullcrap: