
pdvdw t1_is0xfgu wrote

You absolutely can. I may not love feeding the homeless nor being around them. But I know it’s loving to do. So I go and do it without feeling love for the act or them. In the process of learning more about their stories, I develop love feelings for them and the act.

If you only love those that are easy to love, what profit is there to your life? Love is a choice.

If you’re married you’ll find yourself needing to love your wife even when you don’t feel like it, or that marriage is dead in the water. True love is not 1's and 0's.


pdvdw t1_is0vt39 wrote

What do you measure perfection by? In a world where each of us are programmed differently, there can no such thing. You’re doing just as you were programmed, right?

But we know we have a consciousness that knows a morality of right and wrong. And you can choose right or wrong today just as you choose to love your wife, or to not.


pdvdw t1_is0th2v wrote

If we are programmed to love- Why is this world full of hate? Why is love for our neighbor not our default? Only some people love their neighbor, because they try hard to. People are mean, but some choose to love them anyway. That is abnormal and hard. It’s not in our nature.


pdvdw t1_iryb3nz wrote

Consciousness (the fact that you are you, can look at your hands, have a self aware identity) has not been understood by humanity in any sciences to date. To state I’m bold for assuming there’s more than electricity running your identity may not be as bold as you may imagine.

Machines don’t have the breath of life in them.


pdvdw t1_irw3fzo wrote

You love your wife not because you are told to, forced to, or programmed to by someone else, otherwise it’s not true love.

Love relies on absolute free will in a person. If you are programmed to love, it’s not love. Love is choosing to make sacrifices willingly for another. But if this free will is programmed, it’s not free will, it’s a will dictated by the programmer.

Unless AI has a soul as humans (which it never will have), I don’t think it can ever show true love. Superficial love as often seen in people too? Sure.
